Fruit Farm Equipment Maintenance Software

Fruit and tree nut crop production is labor intensive. To lighten the workload, growers rely on expensive, specialized farm machinery to accomplish specific tasks or process crops. Given the time constraints of tree crop production, growers cannot spend hours performing work by hand because machinery is in disrepair. Fruit and tree nut farming equipment must be in peak condition in order to produce high-quality crops for processing or selling.

FTMaintenance orchard maintenance management software allows you to reduce downtime by making it easy to manage farm assets and their maintenance history. Store equipment information in a single system, including details related to performance, condition, operating specifications, and safety instructions. Create a preventive maintenance schedule that improves asset reliability through regular inspections and tune-ups. Leverage maintenance reports to identify trends that help you anticipate maintenance needs and proactively maintain equipment.

FTMaintenance Benefits for Fruit and Tree Nut Crop Farming

  • Develop a customized maintenance schedule for each asset to ensure it is ready for planting, harvesting, and other seasonal activities.
  • Document practical maintenance knowledge that informs technicians of the specific operating parameters of equipment used on your land.
  • Minimize asset downtime through automatic inventory count updates that ensure spare parts are available.
  • Reduce the risk of workplace injuries caused by maintenance activities by making important equipment safety documentation easily accessible.
  • Satisfy auditor documentation requirements by automatically generating maintenance records required by the FDA, EPA, USDA, and other compliance organizations.


  • Maximize the useful life of aging equipment through timely, regular preventive maintenance.
  • Instantly access maintenance documentation via digital file attachments that allow farmers to troubleshoot repairs without having to wait for third-party maintenance services.
  • Minimize food waste and spoilage by ensuring product storage facilities are safe, clean, and structurally sound.
  • Utilize a mobile CMMS solution that provides access to maintenance information from internet-connected mobile devices.

Industry Statistics

Savings from preventive maintenance
Decreased equipment downtime
Savings on inventory expenses
Satisfied FTMaintenance Users

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