Businessman topples a tower of blocks, representing the concept of CMMS implementation failure

Can you imagine putting in the time to research CMMS vendors, find a product with the features you need, receive approval from upper management, and make the purchase, only to have the project fail? That would be costly and disappointing. Even after companies get through the selection and purchase process successfully, a large majority of CMMS implementations fail.

Implementation goes well beyond the installation and setup of the software. A complete and successful implementation is reached when the software is being fully utilized after obtaining comprehensive product knowledge and reaching initial goals. We’re going to talk about why CMMS implementations fail and how you can avoid these pitfalls so that you will be set up for success.

Common Reasons CMMS Software Implementations Fail

Lack of Support after Purchase

The biggest reason why CMMS implementations fail is the lack of vendor support maintenance teams receive after the software is purchased. Some CMMS vendors work with the customer up until purchase, then offer little-to-no installation assistance or ongoing support. In some cases, support centers can be difficult to reach or have slow response times.

Support during this transition period is crucial, and without this resource, the maintenance department is left with new software and no idea how to use it. They also find they don’t have enough time to commit to getting the ball rolling all on their own without some assistance from their vendor.

Lack of Adequate Training

CMMS software training is one of the most important parts of a successful CMMS implementation. Without adequate training, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and uncertain. While CMMS software is fairly user-friendly, working together with your team and your vendor to get accustomed to all the features and functions is important. When users don’t know how to use the software, they either make errors or don’t bother using the software.

Maintenance management software that isn’t being used is money being wasted. If an organization is transitioning from manual maintenance methods to a CMMS, they will want to assess the different levels of familiarity with computer programs among staff to ensure a comprehensive training experience.

Lack of Clear Goals

While many companies realize they need CMMS software, they don’t always establish goals for the implementation process. This can create ambiguity in the steps that need to be carried out to successfully finish the project. Goals involving the implementation process and the use of the software should be clear cut from the beginning. That being said, it’s important to set a realistic number of goals to avoid becoming overwhelmed. If employees aren’t educated on why certain steps need to happen to meet those goals, they are likely to lose motivation and the will project slow down or come to a halt.

Overcoming Implementation Obstacles

Despite the ways your CMMS implementation could fail, it most definitely doesn’t have to! Here are 4 straightforward things you and your staff can do to ensure your implementation is a success.

1. Inquire about available implementation support when selecting a CMMS vendor. It’s important to make sure you feel comfortable with the type and level of support that’s offered. In addition to support via phone and email, many vendors offer learning center resources such as quick guides and video tutorials to assist you during implementation and well beyond. The amount of implementation support that is provided free of charge varies from vendor to vendor.

2. Find out what training services are offered. The types of training can vary, but they usually include a combination of:

  • Remote Webinar Training
  • Video Tutorials
  • Customized Remote Training Sessions
  • On-site Training Classes

3. Find out how a CMMS vendor can assist you with setting and reaching your implementation goals. When it comes to setting and reaching goals, you don’t have to do all the leg work. There are services available to assist you in planning the project and completing important steps such as CMMS data importation and entry. You should not feel like you are starting from scratch or left uncertain as to what to do next.

4. Set a schedule and budget for your implementation.  You may wonder how extensive the implementation process is and how much it will cost. You are also likely thinking about how much time you’ll need to commit to the process. Honestly assess the resources you have available to ensure you are fully prepared to carry out implementation.

If you are feeling like you implementation is failing or has failed, don’t worry. Our article How to Recover from CMMS Implementation Failure provides information about saving your CMMS implementation.

Ensuring a Successful Implementation

Whether you are a small business or big corporation, FTMaintenance CMMS implementation services  ensure you have full support throughout your entire implementation process. With our project management services offering, a dedicated project manager will work with you to make implementation decisions that fit your team’s needs.

Contact us to learn more about how to we’ve successfully implemented FTMaintenance CMMS software, or request a demo to see FTMaintenance for yourself.

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