Month: September 2018

FTMaintenance Mobile v1.3.2 SP1 Release Notes


  • Fixed an issue that prevented users with read or write permissions from viewing DM and PM work orders.
  • Fixed an issue that caused loading errors when users in the Maintenance Manager group viewed DM and PM work order summaries.

FTMaintenance Mobile v1.3.2 Release Notes


  • Individual tasks can be marked as complete on work orders.
  • Completed tasks, and tasks yet to be completed for a particular work order, can be viewed.


  • Corrected an issue that prevented large lists of parts from being displayed on the Add Parts pages.
  • Corrected an issue that allowed users with read-only rights to work orders to create DM Active work orders.
  • Corrected an issue that caused tasks to display multiple times when viewing a DM Active work order history record.
  • Corrected an issue that prevented the closure of DM Active work orders due to incomplete tasks even when all tasks had been completed and labor hours were assigned.
  • Corrected an issue that allowed the quantities of allocated or pulled parts to be changed from the Work Order Summary page while in the guided view.
  • Corrected an issue that caused multiple copies of the same task to be marked as complete when only one instance of the task was marked as complete.
  • Corrected an issue that allowed Tasks to be deleted when labor was assigned to them.
  • Corrected an issue that caused data issues when an action button was clicked multiple times.
  • Corrected an issue that displayed a removed task when viewing a DM Active or PM Active work order from a mobile device while in the standard (unguided) view.
  • Corrected an issue that prevented tasks from being displayed on the Add Tasks pages.
  • Corrected an issue that prevented tasks on DM Active and PM Active work orders to be checked off or unchecked.
  • Corrected an issue that prevented task filters from working properly.
  • Corrected an issue that allowed users to remove parts from a DM Active or PM Active work order while in the guided view.
  • Corrected an issue that prevented the Filter Options popup box from appearing when clicking the Add Filter button on the PM Jobs list.
  • Corrected an issue that prevented the Equipment Service History page from displaying results.
  • Corrected an issue that prevented the Equipment Service History page from refreshing correctly.
  • Corrected an issue that allowed parts to be removed from the Work Order Summary page of a DM Active or PM Active work order while in the guided view.
  • Corrected an issue that allowed tasks to be removed from the Work Order Summary page of a DM Active or PM Active work order while in the guided view.
  • Changed the error message text on the Problem Description field on the Create Work Order page to refer to “Problem Description”.
  • Corrected an issue that prevented work order section headers from displaying their arrow icons.

FTMaintenance Service Request v3.1.4 Release Notes


  • When launched within an unsupported browser, FTMaintenance Service Request displays a message to notify the user that an unsupported browser is being used and to suggest alternative, supported browsers.


  • On the Notification Setup page, the Add Requesters title for the Additional Recipients toggle has been changed to Add Recipients.
  • View pages now display the equipment number within the Equipment No. field.
  • User email addresses are now saved to FTMaintenance records.
  • Corrected an issue that caused a concatenation error when updating the FTMaintenance database to support FTMaintenance Service Request.