FasTrak SoftWorks, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of FTMaintenance Select v., which incorporates the following:
- Dashboard
- Added a Widget that displays Work Order cost history by Customer.
- User Management
- Added Recurring Work Order permissions.
- Dashboard
- Improved Dashboard performance.
- Minor defect fixes and improvements to Widgets.
- Inventory Management
- Improved Inventory Item Catalog page performance.
- Invoicing
- Minor defect fixes and improvements to Invoicing functionality.
- Purchasing
- Improved clarity of button text in the Purchasing area user interface.
- Minor defect fixes and improvements to Purchasing functionality.
- Service Request Management
- Improved button text and validation messages on Service Request functionality.
- Work Order Management
- Improved Task completion time recording.
- Improved Task completion process.
- Minor defect fixes and improvements to Work Order functionality.
FasTrak SoftWorks, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of FTMaintenance Select v., which incorporates the following:
- Work Order Management
- Expanded support for special characters for Non-User Approver passcodes.
FasTrak SoftWorks, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of FTMaintenance Select v., which incorporates the following:
- Asset Management
- Expanded the available columns in the Meter Reading Definitions grids.
- Dashboard
- Added a customizable KPI dashboard.
- Added ability to create user-defined Widget groups.
- Added Widget permissions.
- Globalization
- Expanded support for data entry using non-Latin alphabets.
- Added support for foreign languages in the FTMaintenance Select interface.
- Inventory Management
- Improved Inventory Item Location identification on Inventory Item records and from Work Order Tracked Parts selection screens.
- Work Order Management
- Added the ability to assign a meaning to a Work Order Approval signature.
- Added the ability to track Work Order activity on open, closed, and deleted Work Orders on a change log.
- Added the ability to automatically calculate downtime based on Work Order activity.
- Added ability to view deleted Work Orders.
- Added the ability to designate Approvers for Work Order activations from Recurring Work Orders.
- Added the ability for administrators to disable reactivation of closed Work Orders.
- Improved design of Work Order History and Work Order Configuration pages.
- Notifications
- Expanded Notification Tags list.
- General
- Improved speed and performance of Work Order and Asset areas.
- Asset Management
- Improved display of Asset Location information.
- Improved editing of Manufacturer records.
- Improved Downtime Type declarations.
- Improved retention of Meter Readings.
- Corrected an issue that prevented Work Orders from displaying on the Equipment Under Maintenance page.
- The Barcode functionality has been deprecated.
- Minor defect fixes and improvements to Asset functionality.
- Minor defect fixes and improvements to Location functionality.
- Configuration
- The ability to use multiple Inventories has been deprecated.
- Improved retention of Wok Order Labor Resource settings.
- Improved selection and deselection of permissions with dependencies.
- Expanded support for accented characters.
- Minor defect fixes and improvements to Configuration functionality.
- Inventory Management
- Improved accuracy of Unit Cost when created via a Part record.
- Corrected an issue related to creating Inventory Items when its associated Part Asset contains a custom field.
- Minor defect fixes and improvements to Inventory functionality.
- Labor Management
- Corrected an issue that allowed negative Hourly Rates.
- Notifications
- Improved delivery of notifications to role-based email addresses.
- Improved performance of Tags in Service Request Notifications.
- Improved Service Request Notification Template Tags.
- Improved Service Request Notification Tag functionality for Service Requests submitted by guests.
- Minor defect fixes and improvements to Notification functionality.
- Reporting
- Improved Open Work Order Listing Report.
- Scheduling
- Improved display of Recurring Work Order numbers.
- Service Request Management
- Improved management of rejected Service Requests.
- Corrected an issue that prevented certain Users from logging in to the request portal.
- Minor defect fixes and improvements to Service Request functionality.
- Work Order Management
- Improved the display of Labor Resources in the Labor tab.
- Improved column configuration on Work Order History page.
- Corrected an issue that caused an active Work Order’s Issue Date field to be blank.
- Improved closed Work Order print functionality.
- Improved Recurring Work Order scheduling.
- Improved retention of Labor Costs on closed Work Orders.
- Improved field validation for Work Order Description field.
- Improved Labor Log time recording.
- Improved calculation of next activation date following manual activations for non-floating calendar schedules.
- Minor defect fixes and improvements to Work Order functionality.
- Minor defect fixes and improvements to Recurring Work Order functionality.
- General
- Improved session timeout.
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